
Services / web app / IC4


Health & Wealth | 2022

IC4, an Integrated Care Centre for Chronic Conditions, needed a web application to help health specialists efficiently manage patient data and streamline their daily schedules.


Health & Wealth | 2022

IC4, an Integrated Care Centre for Chronic Conditions, needed a web application to help health specialists efficiently manage patient data and streamline their daily schedules.


We aimed to create a user-friendly and efficient platform to enhance healthcare delivery The challenge was to create a shift in paradigm: humanize the healthcare system, the way we as humans interact, understand, care, and show love for our fellow beings.


Research & findings

We conducted in-depth research, including interviews and field observations in various factories to understand the challenges in operations management.

Research & findings

We conducted in-depth research, including interviews and field observations in various factories to understand the challenges in operations management.

Patient information build-up

We carefully structured the application's information flow, ensuring that the right specialists can access to the appropriate patient data and tools seamlessly.


Wireless visualized the app's functionality and layout,
prioritizing ease of use and productivity.

Visual design

The visual design focused on a clean, initiative and
accessible interface emphasizing usability and accessibility


Eliminating information asymmetry in the healthcare industry is of prime importance, as it helps patients help their conditions better, and take necessary precautions.

Key features

Patient information management

Our web application enables health specialists to efficiently manage arid access patient information, including medical history treatment plans, and appointments, ensuring they have a comprehensive view of each patientis condition

Intelligent assessment tool

The intelligent assessment tool that analyzes patient data and provides valuable insights. Quantify the pain score, thereby helping specialists make more informed decisions and create tailored treatment plans.

Simplified prescription

We streamlined the prescription process allowing health specialists to access a preset drug library, prescription templates, create and send prescriptions effortlessly This feature ensures accurate and timely medication management for potients.

Recommendation engine

Information driven smart suggestions for treatment plans and appointment scheduling. optimizes specialists workflows and enhances patient core by recommending relevant actions and next steps.

Successful projects

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