
Services / Website / iStep Technology

iStep Technology


iStep Technology is a leader in providing upskilling courses for engineers, sought to revamp its online presence. The goal was to create a modern, user-friendly website that showcased their comprehensive course offerings and simplified the enrollment process.

Services / Website / iStep Technology

iStep Technology


iStep Technology is a leader in providing upskilling courses for engineers, sought to revamp its online presence. The goal was to create a modern, user-friendly website that showcased their comprehensive course offerings and simplified the enrollment process.


Our primary objective was to design a website that would not only reflect the institute's commitment to technical excellence but also enhance the user experience. We aimed to attract and engage engineers seeking professional development by offering a seamless, informative, and visually appealing platform.



We started by creating a clear sitemap that organized the website's content logically. It allowed users to easily navigate through the various courses, resources, and support materials.


Our wireframes focused on simplifying the user journey. We ensured that information about courses, faculty, and enrollment was readily accessible. Clean, intuitive layouts were used to enhance the
user experience.




We started by creating a clear sitemap that organized the website's content logically. It allowed users to easily navigate through the various courses, resources, and support materials.


Our wireframes focused on simplifying the user journey. We ensured that information about courses, faculty, and enrollment was readily accessible. Clean, intuitive layouts were used to enhance the user experience.


Content strategy

To engage visitors effectively, we devised a content strategy that emphasized the institute's strengths, including detailed course descriptions, faculty profiles, success stories, and technical blogs. We also integrated multimedia elements to make the content more engaging.

Content strategy

To engage visitors effectively, we devised a content strategy that emphasized the institute's strengths, including detailed course descriptions, faculty profiles, success stories, and technical blogs. We also integrated multimedia elements to make the content more engaging.

Key features

Course catalog

A comprehensive catalog of technical courses, each with detailed descriptions, prerequisites, and outcomes.

Faculty profiles

Profiles of esteemed instructors, highlighting their expertise and qualifications.

Enrollment process

Streamlined enrollment forms with clear instructions and easy payment options.

Client speak



The design finesse and functionality have significantly enhanced user engagement, making it easier for engineers to access our courses and resources. We couldn’t be more thrilled with the results.

Asma Shaikh

iStep Technology


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